President's Welcome

Welcome to the High Desert Mountain Water Association. Our mission is to bring together water professionals from all over the high desert and mountains to provide valuable career education and a forum for networking and collaboration.
Memberships offer discounted dinner and training classes registration, communications about state policy, access to our members only forum, and much more. Membership is open to not just water professionals in the High Desert and Mountain Communities but all those interested in learning more about the water industry. To learn more, visit our membership page or contact us.
Together We Succeed.
George Cardenas
HDMWA President
Phelan Piñon Hills CSD

Meet Our Board

Craig Carlson
Helendale CSD

Earl Bricker
City of Hesperia

Samuel Ramirez-Pimentel
Phelan Piñon Hills CSD

Raymond Rodriguez
Vendor Representative
Southwest Valve and Equipment